Sunday, 3 February 2013

Stoker Submission

So this is a piece of artwork I designed for a competition run by Talenthouse. It's in honour of the film Stoker, which is coming out at some point this year and the prize is £500 and they actually make it into a postcard or something (I don't know many things).

I started by watching the trailer and being like "OOH THERE'S A METRONOME" and then deciding to put the girl (played by Mia Wasikowska) inside said metronome and it sort of went from there. Looked at a few Aubrey Beardsley drawings for the swirly line bits and then - whilst colouring it - accidentally turned it all red and thought it looked kinda cool. That's it really.

Anyways, you can vote for my submission to win (huzzah!) from tomorrow here.

Thursday, 31 January 2013